








博士,副教授,硕导。买球最好的网站(中国)有限公司,光电信息科学与工程系专任教师,Quantum Information ProcessingOptics Express审稿人。2013年毕业于浙我司学理论物理专业,并获博士学位,主要从事量子光学、量子信息以及量子相变领域的理论研究,已发表SCI论文三十余篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者身份发表19篇。主持国家自然科学基金应急管理项目1项和青年基金项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金1项,以及中央高校基础研究专项经费项目1项。



2015.8 -至今,我司,买球最好的网站光电信息科学与工程系,副教授

2013.6 -2015.7,我司,买球最好的网站光电信息科学与工程系,校聘副教授



2008/9 - 2013/6,浙我司学,买球最好的网站,博士





  [1] Zheng-Da Hu , Ye-Qi Zhang, and Jing-Bo Xu*, Quantum communication through open-ended quantum networks, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoratical 44, 425303 (2011). 

  [2] Zheng-Da Hu , Qi-Liang He, Hang-Shi Xu, and Jing-Bo Xu*, Sudden transition from finite temperature spin environments, Physics Letters A 376, 3011-3016 (2012).

  [3] Zheng-Da Hu , Qi-Liang He, and Jing-Bo Xu*, Quantum communication in spin chains with three-site and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions, Physica A 391, 6226 (2012).

  [4] Zheng-Da Hu and Jing-Bo Xu*, Quantum phase transition in fiber-coupled quantum networks, Optics Letters 38, 3639-3641 (2013).

  [5] Zheng-Da Hu , Jing-Bo Xu*, and Ye-Qi Zhang, Non-Markovian effects in dissipative flux qubits with time-dependent magnetic fields and partial-collapse quantum measurements, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 174903 (2013)

  [6] Zheng-Da Hu and Jing-Bo Xu*, Control of quantum information flow and quantum correlations in the two-atom Tavis-Cummings model, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoratical 46, 155303 (2013)

  [7] Zheng-Da Hu , Jing-Bo Xu*, and Dao-Xin Yao, Sudden transition and sudden change from open spin environments, Annals of Physics 350, 588-604 (2014).

  [8] Zheng-Da Hu*, Yixin Zhang, and Ye-Qi Zhang, Propagation of nonclassical correlations through one-dimensional quantum networks, Quantum Information Processing13,1841-1855 (2014).

  [9] Zheng-Da Hu* , Jicheng Wang, Yixin Zhang, and Ye-Qi Zhang, Dynamics of nonclassical correlations with an initial correlation, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 114004 (2014).

 [10] Zheng-Da Hu* , Yixin Zhang, and Ye-Qi Zhang, Negativity of quantumness and non-Markovianity in a qubit coupled to a thermal Ising spin bath system, Communications in Theoretical Physics 62, 634-640 (2014).

 [11] Yixiao Huang and Zheng-Da Hu*, Spin and field squeezing in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, Scientific Reports 5, 8006-8011 (2015).

 [12] Zheng-Da Hu*, Jicheng Wang, and Yixin Zhang, Sudden transitions of trace distance discord of dipole-dipole coupled two qubits, International Journal of Modern Physics B 29, 1550138 (2015).

 [13] Yixiao Huang*, Wei Zhong, Zhe Sun, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Phase diagram and spin mixing dynamics in spinor condensates with a microwave dressing field, Scientific Reports 5, 14464 (2015).

 [14] Yixiao Huang*, Ning-Ju Hui, Wang-Fang Liu, En-Jia Ye, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Quantum entanglement in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, Communications in Theoretical Physics 64, 644-648 (2015).

 [15] De-Wei Cao, Yixin Zhang, Jicheng Wang, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Quantum coherence in a coupled-cavity array, International Journal of Modern Physics B 30 , 1650114 (2016).

 [16] Zheng-Da Hu*, Xiuye Liang, Jicheng Wang, and Yixin Zhang, Quantum coherence and quantum correlation of two qubits mediated by a one-dimensional plasmonic waveguide, Optics Express 24, 10817 (2016).

 [17] Ning-Ju Hui, Yang-Yang Xu, Jicheng Wang, Yixin Zhang, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Quantum coherence and quantum phase transition in the XY model with staggered Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction, Physica B 510, 7-12 (2017).

 [18] Mei-Song Wei, Jicheng Wang, Yixin Zhang, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Universal decay of quantumness for photonic qubits carrying orbital angular momentum through atmospheric turbulence, IEEE Photonics Journal 10, 1-9 (2018).

 [19] Mei-Song Wei, Jicheng Wang, Yixin Zhang, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Orbital-angular-momentum photons for optical communication in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence, Optics Communications 416, 89-93 (2018).

 [20] Mei-Song Wei, Jicheng Wang, Yixin Zhang, and Zheng-Da Hu*, Nonclassical correlations of photonic qubits carrying orbital angular momentum through non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35(6): 873-879 (2018).




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11504140,基于迹距离的有限温度下的量子相变理论研究,2016/01-2018/1223.7万元,在研,主持

2. 江苏自然科学基金青年项目,BK20140128,量子系统中的非经典关联及其相关问题研究,2014/07-2017/0620万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,11447174,基于量子相变的腔QED及自旋系统中的量子通信理论研究,2015/01-2015/125万元,结题,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11274274,量子关联的操控及相关问题的研究,2013/01-2016/1270 万元,结题,参与


1. 校级重点项目,光电信息科学与工程专业人才培养模式与课程体系研究,2017,结题,参与


    1. 2014-2016年度校优秀共产党员

   2. 2016年江苏省高等学校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)一等奖优秀指导教师


 硕士 3


 硕士 1 (第二导师)

